エミリー・デ・レイヴィンのインスタグラム(emiliede_ravin) - 8月16日 05時18分

This is up TODAY on the Summit! Very excited & honored to be a part of this. I had the pleasure of talking with the amazing @oceanrobbins & of course my wonderful pediatrician & friend @drjoelgator 🙏❤️ There’s a wealth of amazing information, & it’s FREE! So sign up! It’s a 5 day online event featuring interviews by top medical doctors, researchers, authors, holistic heath experts & celebrity advocates to help keep your children & family healthy. Go to www.intergrativepediatrics.com/summit to register! (Go to https://integrativepediatrics.com/summit/ or Link in also in my stories) @integrativepediatrics


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



