ジョシュ・ブローリンのインスタグラム(joshbrolin) - 8月16日 01時56分

Like when I used to walk into the Uffizi at 18, between my legs like a radar for romance, I’d sit in front of paintings that looked like you for hours, for hours until my head pounded with knowing I would have to leave you there on the wall, that they’d boot me out when closing time came round, and I’d look over my shoulder to see you getting smaller and smaller. I’d walk the streets until dawn came to touch me and there you’d be again, maybe laying on the ground this time in Musée Rodin, there on your side, a smooth carrara marble skin pruning under my hand, and security would yell out and I’d have to leave once again, my hands tucked in my pockets, a memo pad vibrating between my belt and belly.
I visited you everywhere for years and always cried out a just more than adolescent cry when I’d lose you to other curators and collectors who’d get in our way.
But here you are, ever present, my dear, and my age brings a deep exhale of having the mind to rest and in that rest became you blowing your own pallet into my mouth, that most rich leaden oxygen of the creatives, and you bled a happiness into me.
Though, at this moment, I am left to fend for myself, albeit more fragile than before, I long for you, and attempt to illustrate my love for you with a still limited vocabulary that has been building from the beginning of when you didn’t know me, but of when it was that I always saw a bit of you in everything. I continue to reach out to the painting that is you for me, if not more than a little longingly. I reach out and stroke that marble that is alive in me always, until you move. And it’s always when you move that something in the us of it all awakens.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



