テリー・レオンのインスタグラム(tellyleung) - 8月1日 23時59分

For the last 2 weeks, I was the luckiest artist in the world to get to be a small part of @shakeenz incredible play #chonburiinternationalhotelandbutterflyclub for @wtfestival & @audibletheater. Our last day was yesterday. I woke up missing all the butterflies, and felt inspired to share this #mashup with my company. Our director @lauraesavia always started with 2-minutes at the beginning to center everyone for the day led by a company member, so here’s my “2+ minutes to-go” for the incredible group of artists and storytellers I met in #Chonburi. Your love, your talent and your stories will stay with me forever. Thank you for letting me join the 🦋 #butterflyclub. #mariahcarey #whitneyhouston #butterfly #greatestloveofall @theanniegolden @angelicaross @katebornstein @samyfigs @itaqt @danaaliyalevinson @jasonwtam @pooyaland @lalabee213 @msivoryaquino @bianca_leigh2000 @joylancetacoronel @cbarnettiv @riwrdesign @aileenjlambert


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