ジェシー・リンガードのインスタグラム(jesselingard) - 7月30日 22時05分

It was a pleasure to sitdown with @mayajama recently and just talk. As part of the #HeadsUp #SoundOfSupport series from @Heads_Together, we spoke about everything –dancing videos on insta; family pressures; anxiety and social media. Whoever you are and whatever you’re going through, it feels so good to talk. It can make you feel so much better. If you want to talk but don’t know where to turn, there are incredible charities there for you. Visit headstogether.org.uk/heads-up for more, or if you need immediate support, you can text Heads Up to 85258 to connect immediately with a trained crisis volunteer. It’s free, confidential and available 24/7


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Football • Soccer • Futbolのインスタグラム
Football • Soccer • Futbolさんがフォロー
