タヤ・ロジャースのインスタグラム(tayastarling) - 7月30日 18時13分

I loved cardio workouts- I ran track, was on the swim team AND basketball team- and then at some point I got into yoga, Pilates, & surfing and suddenly you couldn’t pay me to do cardio. When I started spending more time back in Thailand I finally found my cardio groove with Muay Thai but the best all over cardio workout I’ve found is hands down @f45_training 🙌🏼 This isn’t a sponsored post I just really love the workout- seriously my face in class alternates between intense concentration and full blown smiles (see that last video 😄). In case anyone else out there is looking for a new cardio workout that pushes you at your own pace and is never boring, don’t say i never told you! 😘💪🏽🏋🏻‍♀️ Ps. I know it looks intimidating, it took me 3 months & @iamyvetteking to finally drag my butt in there but I was immediately hooked. There’s zero judgement in the room, there are no mirrors, & honestly everyone else is so encouraging and focused on trying to get through their workout that there’s no room (or time!) to compare your fitness levels against anyone else in class.


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