レオナルド・ディカプリオのインスタグラム(leonardodicaprio) - 7月24日 04時41分

Please help #SaveEboForest. #Repost @global_wildlife_conservation:
President Paul Biya @PresidentPaulBiya of Cameroon: Please help #SaveEboForest by reconsidering your Government’s decree to move forward with plans to log the magnificent Ebo Forest.

This would destroy the home of the world's only Chimpanzees that both forage for termites using stick tools and crack nuts using stone and wood tools, along with a small population of gorillas that may be a new subspecies, and one of only two remaining populations of Preuss's Red Colobus, a Critically Endangered monkey. Ebo Forest also makes up one half of a Key Biodiversity Area, making it a site of global importance to the planet's overall health and the persistence of biodiversity.

Protecting Ebo Forest, on the other hand, would not only protect these species and improve the health of our planet as a whole, but could help generate significant revenue for the country from sustainable land use like marketing carbon stocks or conservation concessions.


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