ブリアンナ・ブラウンのインスタグラム(briannabrownkeen) - 7月23日 04時25分

Thankful for everyone who helped support the foster kids at Dreamcatcher Foundation.

Last year I received a micro-grant thru @thenewhollywoodofficial and with it I used it to create an attendance and grade challenge for a handful of foster youth.

We did two workshops and TNH donated dozens of Manifesting Your Mission guidebooks, the kids who participated received their $100 gift cards through our TNH micro-grant challenge. TNH membership, friends and even my incredible in-laws donated two batches of goodies for the teens. Thank you @i.am.now.me for collaborating and making this idea and challenge a reality.

Felt so good to do something in a time where life can feel so upside down. And to help the most vulnerable population with tools, rewards and support. To remind them that they don’t need to be a statistic. Foster youth and orphans statistical become incarcerated, homeless or human trafficking victims. If you care about these causes please support your local foster youth and orphanages. They need love and tools to deal with their trauma. 💜🙏🏽
#dreamcatcherfoundation #thenewhollywood #tnh #iamnowme #risehigher #shinebrighter #fosterouryouth #foster #manifestyourreality #manifestingyourmission #guidebook


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