サラ・ハドソンのインスタグラム(sarahhudsonxx) - 7月22日 01時48分

My daddy @jwujek 👅 My gay icon. My heart & soul. My sensitive, intuitive, “daddy’s being creative” Cancer baby. My king queen. My piece of glorious beef. My Johnny Angel. What the FUCK would i do if you weren’t born on this perfect day!! I tell you LITERALLY every single day but IM OBSESSED WITH YOU, you are such a light in my life and so many others and watching you transform into the beautiful angel you are over the past 10 years of our friendship has been SO FUCKING MAGICAL BABY! I’m SO proud of you. I love us. Kiss me please. 5-4-3-2-1 you are now PAN and i don’t mean Peter hunny okway werk queen boots tha haus slay the runway kitty kat kitty kat meow okuuuuurt! Omg happy fucking birthday daddy! 😭🍾💕🌸🌈🍌🤑🥰👅💦🔥💥⭐️


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