ローガン・ハフマンのインスタグラム(loganhuffman77) - 7月21日 19時47分

I have some exciting news during this current quarantine. I’ve been asked what new hobbies I have cultivated. Well, I’ve made a firm decision that I am going to put Bonsai on the back burner, meaning I will not accumulate more than 20 trees. Vines!!! Crawling, creeping vines are all my new rage. So much is to be desired and understood by their perpetual movement towards heaven and I wish to solve some of those big questions. Setting my roots firmly in the jungles of Queensland with hundreds of varieties of crawling plants, this is an ideal setting for my hobby/research. If anyone has any books or suggestions for Vining plants please put them in the comments below.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



