Estée Lalondeのインスタグラム(esteelalonde) - 7月20日 21時43分

Happy Birthday to my sweet little princess Effie (or as I call her, Lady) who is 1 today 🎈 After losing my 🐅 Reggie I didn’t know if I would ever love that deeply again or if I had space in my heart for a new furry companion. 7 months later and we are inseparable 💕 Love can create amazing things - from those petrified little puppy eyes, spending entire days hiding under furniture and not letting me walk up to her for a cuddle to what she has become now. Her progress has been nothing short of amazing. To watch an animal learn to trust you over time- there is nothing like it. This journey has not been easy, but our bond is one of a kind. She has taught me immense patience and empathy, a new type of love and is my reason for waking up in the morning. It’s us vs. the world. Glad she’s on my team 🥰 Please consider adopting an animal from a shelter if you think it’s something you could take on. @wild_at_heart_foundation @doggonamedeffie


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