unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 7月18日 03時45分

Double the love with @Halima in support of children affected by COVID-19 by using Pandora’s #OneLoveOneHeart filter. Each time you use it, @PANDORA will donate $1 to UNICEF, up to 1M dollars. ⠀

Access the filter on Instagram by following this link → https://uni.cf/one-love-filter.⠀


Help us reach the donation goal with our new filter featuring the iconic song One Love reimagined by the Marley family.⠀

Try the filter like @halima and tag a friend, who has been there for you during COVID-19. Each use unlocks a US$1 donation to UNICEF’s One Love activation to reimagine a better world for every child.⠀

#OneLoveOneHeart #PandoraForUNICEF


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




