ターニャ・テイトのインスタグラム(tanyatate) - 7月17日 00時02分

#livestream What's the most technical/practical thing you know how to do ? 🧰💡🚜 . .

Maybe you are able to build and/or programme computers or create apps? . .

Do you have any electrician, plumbing or mechanical skills ? . .

Do you know how to use any big power tools and/or equipment ?Maybe you know how to fix a plug or change a washer ? . .

Can you change a tyre on a bike or a car ? . .

Maybe your skill goes as far as safely changing a light bulb or a fuse ? . .

Or using common operating systems ? . .

Are you very technical or practical in your job ? . .

Perhaps you're a very practical person who can take apart and fix most things ? . .

Join me for a family friendly chat on my #youtubelive #stream . .

Here 👉🏻youtube.com/tanyatatetube👈🏻 . .

☝🏻Subscribe and Get Notified when I’m live . .


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