Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 7月8日 05時59分

Yesterday, Harlow and I were talking about the upcoming election. I told her I will be voting for Joe Biden. She had one big question. “Is he a good man?” I said that I believe he is a good man. More importantly, he will surround himself with a great team. I told her that you don’t have to have all the answers to be a great leader. You just have to surround yourself with experts you trust and then be willing to listen to them. “Did you know that Biden was the Vice President to Obama?” “Oh! So he’s a VERY good man!” I love that Harlow sees Obama as the best possible job reference. Then she said, “That means he has been very close to the President so he knows what a president has to do.” “Yes!” I told her. “He has experience, which I agree, is very important. Donald Trump didn’t have any experience and that is one reason he is not doing a good job.” Then I asked her who she thought Biden should choose for Vice President. She told me that he should pick a girl. I told her that he has said he will definitely choose a woman. I told her there are so many tremendously qualified women who would make great Vice Presidents and Biden knows the country would benefit greatly from a female perspective. “He should pick Michelle Obama!” I told her that I don’t think Michelle Obama wants the job. Then I told her about some of the potential candidates. We talked about Kamala Harris, who Harlow loved when she was running. I told her she would also be a great Attorney General, which is like being the government’s lawyer. We talked about Elizabeth Warren, who I said would also be great as the Secretary of the Treasury— the person who is in charge of our country’s money. We talked about Stacey Abrams who I said is a voting rights activist and came really close to becoming Governor of Georgia. We talked about Tammy Duckworth, who I said lost both her legs while fighting for our country. “Is she in a wheelchair?” Harlow asked. “Yes. Isn’t it amazing that she got where she is despite her disability? And she became a mom at 50!” “Wow.” I love these conversations. Now Harlow and I will both be excited to hear who we will be supporting in the fall. A big change can’t come soon enough.


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