ボニー・マッキーのインスタグラム(bonniemckee) - 7月6日 09時46分

I had a covid scare last week. It was just a 1 on 1 interaction with someone I know and trust. We were in a room with no masks on, but we kept our distance. They went to an intimate gathering the night before I saw them and 7 of the 9 ppl attending tested positive a week later. I got tested immediately and somehow by the grace of god was negative, but in the time I didn’t know I had been exposed, I visited another friend- again 1 on 1, who’s partner is immunosuppressed. I then had to call my friend and tell him there was a chance I had put him and his partner at risk, and I felt SO terrible. In my head, I had been really careful, but I now realize, especially with the recent spike, how easy it is to spread.

Now I don’t blame my covid infected friend at all- I myself had also attended 2 small gatherings with a handful of ppl right when things “opened up” again, thinking “well, everyone has been on lockdown so we good, right?” I felt like since the numbers in LA had gotten better and things were slowly opening up that intimate hangs should be fine.

But now my mother, who is in her 70’s, has had a similar exposure, in a 1 on 1 interaction, with someone who a few days later tested positive. They both kept their masks on for *most* of the interaction but there was a period when they took them off. Luckily she is negative, and I am certain it’s bc she wore her mask.

I had been thinking that the “real” risk was just in public places where 1000 ppl are touching the same doorknob, but the fact is, anyone can get it, even your friends who have been careful. So my public service announcement for today is- if you’re gonna hang with friends, keep your mask on! I know we’re all lonely, I know it’s annoying to wear a mask but... unless everyone has been tested, you really can’t know for sure, and even then, be careful.

No shame to those of us who have ventured out & relaxed a bit on safety- I’ve done it too- I just wanted to share my story to warn y’all that the spike is real, this shit really is rampant, &face masks & social distancing really do work. So just be careful out there &don’t be afraid to be the “dork” who keeps their mask on the whole time! 🙏🏻❤️😷


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