Bunta のインスタグラム(buntatf) - 7月4日 19時06分


Don’t listen to what people sey “You are impossible”.
If you want to accomplish something yourself , don’t blame others when you can’t do it , blame it for yourself.
Many people said “neither to me nor you” is impossible.
They don’t want you to succeed.
Because they couldn’t succeed , because they gave up on the way.
Therefore , I want you to give up that dream.
Unhappy people want to make unhappy friends .
Never , don’t give it up.
Fill with yourself with energy filled with energy and having a solid idea.
Overflow yourself with ambition and consolidate with a person of positive thinking.
If anyone longed for abmiration , ask him for advice.
You alone can think about your life.
Whatever your dream , I will head to it.
Because you were born to be happy.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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