エリカ・キャンベルのインスタグラム(imericacampbell) - 7月3日 09時50分

Repost from @robertfkennedyjr

COVID vaccine developers are now offering blacks the same deal CDC offered in Tuskegee—cash and free medical care. Beginning in 1932, CDC’s “Tuskegee Experiment” studied untreated syphilis progression in black sharecroppers.  CDC told none of the 299 impoverished men they had the disease, withheld penicillin (a proven treatment) and prevented participants from accessing syphilis treatment.  Numerous men died, 40 wives contracted syphilis, and 19 children were born syphilitic.
A black CDC whistleblower, Peter Buxton, finally told his story to my uncle, Senator Edward Kennedy. In 1972, Teddy convened Senate hearings forcing CDC to end the study.
CDC promised to stop experimenting on blacks, but from 1989 to 1991, CDC experimented on 1,500 black children in Los Angeles using an unlicensed high-potency measles vaccine without disclosing that the experimental vaccine was designed to overwhelm the baby’s maternal immune system.  CDC only halted its secret experiment in 1991 when companion clinical trials in Africa and Haiti caused severe immune system disorder and death in girls.
“A mistake was made.  It shocked me”, CDC Director Dr. David Satcher, told the LA Times. “We need to move to a new level of assurance so people can trust what we’re doing.”
In 2014, CDC’s senior vaccine safety scientist William Thompson confessed that his CDC bosses ordered to destroy data from a key 2008 study showing that black boys who received the MMR vaccine by age 3 were 3.36 times more likely to receive an autism diagnosis.
Multiple studies indicate that blacks are more susceptible to vaccine injury and autism.
A 2010 nationwide study of CDC’s ADDM data Autism and Developmental Disability Monitoring, found autism incidence 25% higher in black Americans than whites (Durkin et al. 2010).  A 2014 study showed autism rates elevated by 263% among foreign-born blacks and 152% for U.S.-born blacks compared to U.S.-born whites (Becerra et al. 2014).
A 2010 study in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health showed that “nonwhite boys” were at significantly greater risk of regressing into autism after receiving Hepatitis B vaccines as infants


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