ゾージア・マメットのインスタグラム(zosiamamet) - 7月2日 10時04分

So here’s how I see it. Covid doesn’t care who you voted for. It doesn’t care about your beliefs or your opinions. It’s only agenda is to spread. And the more it spreads the more people die, the further our economy collapses, the potential for returning to normalcy diminishes, and general human suffering continues to spike. We are fighting an invisible enemy and currently it is winning. We don’t have a vaccine. We don’t have a magic bullet. We don’t even fully understand this virus yet. So we need to fight back with the tools we do have in our arsenal. And at the moment the tactics PROVEN most effective are preventative. First and foremost, wearing a mask. A sneeze right now from an infected person could be deadly. That is if their face and yours are uncovered. Wearing a mask could save your life. It could save the lives of your loved ones. It could save a strangers life. It is a simple act of safety and kindness for yourself and others. Sure, it’s an inconvenience, but so is dying, or an economic depression. But I’d argue those are more inconvenient. This is not political. For the first time in history we are GLOBALLY united against a common enemy. And the only way we are going to beat it is if we fight it together. So pretty please. Pretty pretty pretty please with all the cherries on top, for yourself, for whoever it is you love most, for the stranger you pass in the super market #wearadamnmask

Thank you @トリーバーチ for starting #wearadamnmask I challenge @drmklevin @ケイリー・クオコ @johnakite_ @emmablanchegoldman @ジェニファー・コナー @ジェシカ・ビール @davidhulldavidhull @joannavargasnyc @annabaryshnikov @lady_larson @thelizstiles


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