Filthy Anglers™のインスタグラム(filthyanglers) - 7月2日 09時28分

Product feature Wednesday! Checkout Ray with a beast of a fish @socal.bass.angler - Here he is wearing his obviously lucky fishing hat, our custom Filthy Army green Patch hat which is available in SnapBack. Question, are you superstitious? I swear we get more messages from folks saying they have a lucky Filthy hat it shirt, I think you all should put our product to the test. I mean my biggest to Fish have been in the same Filthy shirt! Be sure to check out all our offerings at or amazon today. Click on the hat in the photo for more details! #fishing #bassfishing #outdoors #nature #filthyanglers #getfilthy #bass #nature #kayak #bigbass #bigfish #ocean #largemouthbass #bassfishing #mlf #bassmasters


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