クナル・ネイヤーのインスタグラム(kunalkarmanayyar) - 7月2日 08時07分

During covid, there have been a myriad of stories I’ve heard about the kindness of strangers, about neighbors who saved someone’s life, or the children next door caring for the elderly. Also the doctors and nurses not only doing their medical due diligence, but lending an ear, lending a voice, lending a smile to all those that cannot see or touch their families. Many will argue that this time has torn us apart, but the way I see it, we have gotten closer. We are waking up to love, and realizing that a simple hug, a warm gesture, a walk in the park are moments that are all too precious. Some time soon this ordeal will be over, and life will continue with blinders on once again, but for now I hope we take a moment to thank, pray for, and love, all the unsung heroes. To all those that make the world a little brighter for all of us, here is to you. Your light, has ignited a thousand dark souls, and I promise to do my part in keeping that fire lit...


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