アジャ・ナオミ・キングのインスタグラム(ajanaomi_king) - 6月28日 19時55分

Seeking peace in the midst of all this chaos.
I have been overwhelmed by the thought that this struggle, this ongoing battle to defend Black Lives will outlive us, the same way it has outlived our parents and grandparents and on and on and on.

Maybe it will outlive us all. Maybe our children and our children’s children will be marching in the streets and screaming to the sky, fighting to live, to breathe free, and exist without fear.

But maybe...maybe because of the work we do today, the way we fight today, vote today, participate today in the decisions of tomorrow...maybe it will be better. Maybe that is what my grandmother believed and hers before. Maybe it is the thought of that possibility that allows us to keep going when it seems there is no end in sight. Maybe that is better then succumbing to despair, as much as it hurts, it’s always better to fight.


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