アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 6月21日 20時17分

<> At 15 years old, my dad took me and my friends to the mall. My friends were all being hit on and talking to boys, while I just walked with my dad, trying to hide sadness, because I just felt so ugly and unloveable. Dark skinned, and skinny with kinky hair. While my friends were lighter with weaves or curly hair. My dad could read my face, never been great at hiding my emotions, and he said, “you know what Amber, you have something special inside you, it’s something that any guy will recognize and know that they can’t just approach you if their intentions aren’t right. They gotta come correct. God is all over you, just like your mama.” Then he gave me a big hug and kiss. In that moment I didn’t digest those words, and I’m sure he doesn’t remember this. Those words became my doctrine. They are the reason I respect myself and big part of the reason I work to love myself everyday! That’s just the wonderful man I get to call Dad. Thank you Dad, and I love you so so so so MUCH! First man to say I love you, first man to buy me diamonds, and the man that taught me to always have your OWN 💵 !!! HAPPY FATHER’S DAY 💓


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