ローレン・アッシュのインスタグラム(laurenelizabethash) - 6月18日 10時09分

This foster dog was in a car that was stolen. The thief was caught but claims to know nothing about Lexi. Please keep an eye out in East LA and San Clemente. And please spread the word! #Repost @savingimperial with @get_repost
Update.... We are offering a $1,000 reward for the safe return of Lexi (possibly more, as we are getting more pledges...) NO QUESTIONS ASKED AND NO CHARGES FILED AGAINST THE PERSON WHO LEADS US TO HER!!!! WE just need her home...PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please share our post, we just need her home, and if anybody would like to pledge towards the reward to entice people.... please do so here. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, WE JUST NEED HER HOME.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



