Camden Scottのインスタグラム(cammiescott) - 6月18日 06時27分

Social media is fucking weird. It’s also extremely powerful. I’ve been privileged to call social media my career (that will never stop feeling weird to say).. we use social media to create movements, educate each other and advocate for change. We‘ve passed laws and raised enormous amounts of money due in large part to the power of social media. That’s SO incredible. Over the last month, we’ve come together to shut out all the extra noise so we can focus solely on racial injustice. By flooding our feeds and timelines with facts, knowledge, stories and experiences, many of us have finally woken up to see the current systemic racism in this country (and world) and realize we want to do everything we can to change it. So now what? How do we move beyond the posts and retweets and implement this new knowledge into our day to day? Is it okay to post things not related to BLM? Great questions and spoiler alert, I don’t have the answers. What I can do is share the things I am doing in hopes that it can help some of you (and I hope you do the same with me in the comments or DMs). I think it’s important to not fall back into normality (let’s remember, normality was bad for SO many people) but instead to move forward into a new normal. Behind the pictures of dinner with friends or family are the difficult conversations calling each other out for our own actions and discussing ways we can all be doing better. Behind the images of brand deals are the emails ensuring the brand is hiring a diverse group of creators for the campaign before I sign, sharing lists of Black and other POC creators with them if not, and deals I will decline if they are unwilling to do so. Behind the pictures of my dogs are….well mostly those are just pictures of my dogs because I think they’re really fucking cute but you get the point. Although we all may be posting seemingly unrelated content to dismantling systemic racism, what goes on behind the post is just as important. I will continue to use my platform to speak on injustices while also sharing my day to day. To me, the importance is in building a new day to day that contributes to creating an anti-racist society.


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