アレクサ・ロジーのインスタグラム(alexalosey) - 6月18日 03時13分

hello friends,
as you’ve probably been able to tell, I’ve used this platform only to spread information in regards to blacklivesmatter. my motive was to amplify the voices of black voices. I’ve been hesitant to return to posting the content you’re used to. It doesn’t feel right. However, this platform is a part of my job. I am humbled and grateful that so many of you are on this internet journey with me. I hope you can understand my shift back to lifestyle based content. I will keep using my platform to spread information that I feel needs to be shared.I’ll do so by adding information on my stories which will be saved to a highlight on my page. I’ll also add books, courses and education resources in static posts. I’m thankful to have an audience and I will always do my best to not use it in vain. Thank you for helping me become a better ally. I want to start by suggesting the free @Yale African American Studies course along with following @domrobxrts & @blairimani


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