サラ・ジーン・アンダーウッドのインスタグラム(saraunderwood) - 6月16日 01時22分

Louder for those in the back @dominiquet.a.r.jackson 🌈
PRIDE is being happy with who you are despite your humanity being debated in 2020. Today’s Supreme Court ruling that the civil rights law protects gay and transgender workers from workplace discrimination is a major victory. However, there is still a long way to go. Lately many of us have been awakened to the reality that passing laws against discrimination does not make it go away. I am completely over this countries pathetically slow crawl towards liberty and justice for ALL, and the justification of that by saying “change takes time”. F*CK THAT! It only takes so much time because nearly all people in power are CIS white men allowing change to happen at a snails pace. #blacktranslivesmatter #allblacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter


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