キンバリー・ガーナーのインスタグラム(kimberleygarner) - 6月15日 07時44分

Have been isolating in the UK countryside with my family the past 3 months. It’s been wonderful. I learnt to cook, learnt to work out, worked lots on @kimberleylondon (built a new website if you want to check it out) and achieved more than could imagine. Just moved back to London this week.
In a funny way this time seems to have changed us all... most of us for the better. I feel everyone has bonded over this, and we are now to be kinder to each other. I noticed myself changing when I used to rush about and now when I meet someone I really care, want to chat and listen and learn about them. I guess I was a bit shy before, but now I’m so much more chatty, I guess I realised we are all in this situation together. It’s a cool change.
How’s this time been have you guys found that too?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



