ヴィオラ・デイヴィスのインスタグラム(violadavis) - 6月14日 04時01分

250,000 convicted felons in the state of Alabama alone are not allowed to vote. Many have served their time, paid restitution, try to register and still cannot vote. In 2017 Alabama passed a Voting Law restoring some rights but only for White Collar felons.....people charged with embezzlement or fraud....This is all rooted in Jim Crow and Systemic Racism. We have found more sophisticated ways to evolve laws to keep the status quo in power. Register to vote...All who can vote and are registered, become educated voters. Vote in your local primaries... Mayors appoint District Attorneys, Judges... They decided who gets charged and convicted. Report all acts of voter suppression you do see. The road to dismantling a system that has never worked for US is long and brutal. We need soldiers. If this post means nothing, think about the lives that have been lost in this battle. Families and communities have been destroyed. Black Lives MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤ www.vote.org/register-to-vote/


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