サラ・ライトのインスタグラム(swrightolsen) - 6月13日 00時37分

Pandemic of Love is a remarkable, worldwide mutual aid organization started by activist and mindfulness teacher, Shelly Tygielski (@mindfulskatergirl). Since Shelly started Pandemic of Love on March 14, 2020, over $18.5 million has been donated to 132,000+ people and families in need, all made possible by 625+ volunteers working around the clock to manually match those in need with donors. Mutual aid means that the money is not touched by Pandemic of Love, but rather transferred directly from the donor to the person in need. This means no red tape, no fees, a low overhead, but most importantly it maximizes the amount of aid and forges a real relationship between the donor and recipient in a safe, confidential way. Pandemic of Love has helped realize a real sense of community, giving, and connection between those who need help and those that can give it. It was an honor to interview Shelly and find out more about her organization, the ins and outs, the mission behind it all, and where Pandemic of Love is headed. This is such a beautiful and easy way to give. If you can, please join, and if you need help, please ask. (They now available in US, Canada, Portugal, New Zealand, Spain, the UK, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Columbia, Guatemala, Puerto Rico Australia, Iceland and are launching in the Netherlands.) #repost @yourzenmama Interview by @kacyhasfreckles
#mamamuses | Find out more at yourzenmama.com (if you know of anyone who is struggling during this time, please pass along this info about Pandemic of Love so they can get the help they need)


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