トリ・プラバーのインスタグラム(toripraver) - 6月10日 16時09分

I gotta say, this birthday was a weird one. Not only was I not very excited about it in general considering the state our world is in, but it just seemed strange to celebrate anything at all. This year so far, has really put things into perspective and made me appreciate the things I would normally take for granted. Like being able to have my parents at my birthday dinner. Being able to see my closest friends all at once and spend a weekend together doing nothing at all. Simple things, but wow do they mean everything when they get taken from you. I feel so blessed to have amazing friends and family and want to thank everyone who made me feel extra special...Thank you for all of the texts, calls, messages, flowers, cards. They meant more than you could imagine. Every year on my birthday I wish for peace, love, and health. This year especially, I’m wishing for all of those things, but with an extra side of justice and equality. Cheers to us all 🤍


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




