トレーシー・エリス・ロスのインスタグラム(traceeellisross) - 6月10日 06時45分

As these necessary tectonic shifts are happening in our world and as we are leaning into difficult, complex and sharp yet necessary conversations, we must also be active about our self care. We are at the beginning of transformation. And we have a movement to hold and guide us. But, it’s a lot to feel and hold for the body and spirit. We want to honor where we are and also be able to lift up and through. I made this video a few days ago when my back was seized up (makes sense). I use breath to connect me to the present moment and to create space in my body. I use sound as a way to release vibrationally and energetically.
Sending everyone love and light.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




