SHANTIのインスタグラム(shantimusic) - 6月9日 16時38分

Shanti Therapy is serving to create a safe space for you to align with you. It is not for broken people. For even if you feel like you are broken I believe there are no broken people. Every experience is bringing you closer to your authenticity because you have all the answers within you. Shanti Therapy is for the wholesome ones who are questioning, who want to learn and experience how amazing it feels to be aligned with your authenticity. I am not a fixer, I am a guide turning up the light in your room so you can experience just how beautiful, loved, and perfect you are. Healing is a process to shed any self limiting internal dialogues, releasing stagnant energy from within your body. Giving yourself the chance to feel body mind spirit alignment.

#traumahealing #trauma #heal #bodymindspirit #connect #alignenergy #soundmeditations #iamhereforyou #spiritualawakening #innerchildhealing #yourtherapist #soundtherapyhealing #soundtherapy #guidedmeditation #meditationcoach #counselling #onlinecounselling #lightworker #energyhealing
#humanbiofield #humantuning #highlysensitive


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