Barack Obamaのインスタグラム(barackobama) - 6月7日 01時08分

The young men and women of color in this country need to know something: you matter. Your lives matter. Your dreams matter. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣

When I look at the faces of my daughters, and nephews, and nieces, I see limitless potential that deserves to flourish and thrive. You should be able to live a life of joy, and learn, and make mistakes, and learn from those mistakes without having to worry about what might happen when you walk to the store or go for a jog or drive down the street or look at some birds in a park. So even if you’re angry right now, I hope you’re channeling that anger toward action. Because you have the power to make things better. Look around at how many Americans want the same thing you do, with a sense of urgency that is as powerful and transformative as anything that I’ve seen in recent years. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣

So even as we work to deliver justice for the lives of George, Breonna, Ahmaud, Tony, Sean, and countless others––we can all do our part to bring about change by protesting, voting, and asking for more from our elected officials. Join us at, and let’s get to work.


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Barack Obamaを見た方におすすめの有名人
