ジェーン・シーモアのインスタグラム(janeseymour) - 6月6日 03時01分

Like many of you I’ve been educating myself, learning, and having conversations about the #BlackLivesMatter Movement. I’m utterly disgusted at the senseless murders of black lives in this country by the police, most recently #GeorgeFloyd. To better understand the #BLM Movement we have to understand systemic racism in this country. I found this @actdottv video helpful in visualizing and explaining systemic racism. But learning is just the beginning. Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” So the next step is taking action. In my bio I’ve provided a link to various resources where you can further educate yourself and find many ways to take action. I hear you, I see you, and I’m with you.


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