ジェンセン・アクレスのインスタグラム(jensenackles) - 6月5日 01時11分

So many amazing sources of education have flooded SM, from books to articles to videos and stories. It’s important to continue to listen and learn as adults. Meanwhile, as a father of three young children...I not only want to further educate myself on inequality, prejudicial injustice and overall race issues, but also source the tools that will help me educate my kids on these topics. We don’t wait for our children to ask us to read...we provide those learning opportunities in advance. Why wouldn’t we do the same when it comes to race. If children can learn racism...they can learn anti-racism. The one they learn...is on us. In an effort not to flood you with a laundry list of material, I found one article that spoke to me and provided suggestions of additional articles and books. (Link in bio). We can do better. We must do better. *Zeppelin not pictured...Oddly enough he’s a bit camera shy. #blacklivesmatter


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