アナリン・マッコードのインスタグラム(theannalynnemccord) - 6月4日 12時34分

THIS is who we truly are... before we become enslaved.
Racism just sounds better than Slavery.
We’re not stuck in 1992 or 1968 - we’re still in 1865. Only it’s our minds that bear the chains.
Children are free.
With our fear, we enslave them. With our hate, we lock away their love. With our remorse, we can finally set them free, back to who they truly are.
It starts with one: the child YOU keep enslaved inside of you. Release your #InnerChild from the chains of conditioned beliefs.

Free the Little YOU... and together WE can free the whole world.
#blacklivesmatter #blm #georgefloyd #giannafloyd #fightslaveryfromtheinsideout #thelovestorm


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