デイヴ・アスプリーのインスタグラム(dave.asprey) - 6月4日 10時46分

Why did it take so much pressure to bring these guys to justice?

There is no logical reason. Because racism isn’t logical. But it exists.

We humans aren’t as logical as we think. Hard to believe?

You’re probably feeling revulsion towards these cops right now. Even full on hate.

I did. Except that the cost of hate is 100% born by the hater, even if it feels good at the time, like it does with these four murderers.
Hate is the most expensive emotion there is. That’s why hate is not logical.

The only antidote to hate is forgiveness. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you condone an evil act or that you ever tell anyone. Forgiveness means that you stop carrying the burden of someone else‘s evil in your heart. You let it go. You set it down. You acknowledge the evil that it is. You acknowledge the harm that was done. Then you work to change the world so that it won’t happen again.
But you get hate the f*ck out of your heart as soon as you can so that you can wake up in the morning and show up for your mission.

So I spent time this morning forgiving these men. I don’t know what their parents did to them to make them this way. I don’t know what society did to them. I only know they committed a great act of evil and will be held accountable. But I will no longer waste my energy hating them.

That kind of forgiveness is so much work when you do it. But when it’s done, you are fully free to put your best work into the world. To be non-reactive. To choose to act against evil in the heat of the moment.

Do not let the media focus your hate on these killers.
Do not let the media focus your hate on protesters.
Do not let the media focus your hate on paid vandals.
Do not let the media focus your hate on politicians.
Do not let society focus your hate on any race, creed, or color.
Especially Black.

There’s been way too much of that. I don’t know how to fix it but it’s real and I’m sorry.

Do not let hate power your actions in this time, even when your actions are just and noble. Love is a much better fuel. It will guide you to right action, and leave you full and glowing at night, not dark and empty.


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