レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 6月2日 19時34分

So I said that we need to have a real conversation in order to understand what has happened in America and what continues to happen. When slavery was abolished in 1865, the law simply stated that you couldn’t hold any one against their will and force them to work. This was why the civil war was fought. Slave owners in the south wanted to keep black enslaved. In the US constitution there are 27 amendments and each of these amendments give US citizens their rights. Remember, an amendment is a change so at any time these laws can be improved upon, they just have to be voted on by congress. Nothing is set in stone. The 13th Amendment was passed by Abraham Lincoln with the express purpose of getting rid of slavery. Notice in the 13th in the first line it says that slavery or involuntary servitude shall cease to exist but the line afterwards says,” except as punishment for a crime”. So even though slavery was ruled illegal, American politicians found a way to continue slavery through criminalizing black and brown people even after slavery was abolished. Now every black person that is thrown in jail ends up becoming enslaved all over again despite how far we have come. America has 5 percent of the worlds population, but 25 percent of the world’s prisoners. 40 percent of those prisoners are black men. 1 out of every 17 white men go to prison but 1 out of every 3 black men go to prison. Are we more dangerous than white men? No! We are being thrown in jail for longer periods and for the same crimes that white men get slapped on the wrist for. So then you ask why are our communities torn apart? That is because the black men in our communities are being criminalized at an alarming rate. And some of you will say that Democrats want too many handouts. No, we don’t want a handout, we want equality from the justice system and opportunity to succeed without being unfairly punished or judged. For all if you that have reached out and asked what you can do, I have an assignment for you all. Grab your family and sit down in front of the TV and watch #the13th directed by @ava this is a start!


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