ティア のインスタグラム(tia_0315) - 6月2日 00時48分

I’ve been searching for the right words and didn’t want to speak before I knew exactly what I wanted to say... the current situation in the U.S. is absolutely heartbreaking and my heart drops just thinking about the pain George Floyd and all POC have endured and are continuously living through. I‘m a private person and don’t really like sharing my opinion or personal thoughts on social media, but I felt the need to discuss this issue. If you are like me and don’t quite know how to react, maybe do what I did and just take a moment to listen, educate yourself more on the topic, and then organize your thoughts. I personally couldn’t even bare watching the filmed footage, and it hurts me to even imagine this is the reality we live in. I’m not in any place to educate anyone on this subject, but the one thing I do know is that this is WRONG. This is absolutely unacceptable. We must get through this together....let’s all pray for change and for justice.
Photo credit: @gmanninophoto / Gabrielle Mannino


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