シエラ・ラミレスのインスタグラム(cierraramirez) - 5月31日 06時23分

I understand that I will never understand....however, I stand with you. I see you, I respect you, I hear you, I LOVE YOU!!!! 🖤 I haven’t quite found the right words to say, a big part of that being because I truly cant even wrap my head around the evil of what’s been happening in our nation, but there’s really no point in waiting until I can.... all I know is that my heart hurts, it mourns for my black brothers and sisters who have to live in fear EVERY single day, & who have lost a loved one or a friend. I’m beyonddddd tired of this being the norm, of seeing a new hashtag every week & I can only imagine how exhausted the black community must feel. It is not our black friend’s jobs to educate us, & it’s certainly not their responsibility to fix this. It’s time to do our part and do more than a retweet or a repost. Hold yourself and others accountable. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE. Educate yourself, donate if you can, sign a petition...dammit just BE KIND.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




