ローラ・マラノのインスタグラム(lauramarano) - 5月30日 07時42分

Truly so sad and disgusted by what happened to George Floyd that I’m not sure how to adequately process it in words. When terrible things like this happen, I find that, for me, it’s more helpful to use my voice by letting others speak, people who are more eloquent than I am and can better convey the pain we are all feeling and how we can help. But please know that I completely and unequivocally believe that black lives matter. You matter, and I’m so, so sorry that you live in a world, in a country, and in a system that makes you feel like you don’t. I’m here for you. I’m learning all the ways I can be here for you, and trying to do whatever I can, but know I’m here for you. It’s so much more than a hashtag, but a hashtag can be incredibly powerful as well, so #blacklivesmatter


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