ジョーディン・ウッズのインスタグラム(jordynwoods) - 5月29日 05時50分

For days, I’ve been trying to find the right words to address what’s been going on in our country. It’s not police brutality at this point, it’s murder. Feeling outraged is an understatement. I can't help but think of our brothers, our fathers, our peers, our future children. What can we do? What more can I do? How can we help fix this problem and actually get justice for our lost brothers ? The world confuses me right now, but I have noticed that when we all use our voice there is such power in numbers and unity. It's time we're heard. Enough is enough. This cannot continue. “Racism isn’t getting worst, it’s getting filmed.”


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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