ローレン・ハウレギのインスタグラム(laurenjauregui) - 5月28日 01時56分

I’m tired of hash tagging names & doing the criminal INjustice system’s job for them. It does not take a outraged populace to hold individuals accountable for crimes; we know this because the prison industrial complex is alive, well & capable of arresting & keeping innocent people locked in cages. Shit, we’ve been locking people up for not wearing masks. If we can lock innocents up, we should infallibly be able to hold blatant murder caught on camera accountable. This race conversation is tiresome only to those who are unaffected and disconnected. If this doesn’t cause you pain or outrage, I pray for your soul. You’ve truly lost touch with it. I have a multitude of words written about how these injustices make me feel. I don’t feel for me though, I am comfortable in knowing the worst that could be done is sexual assault, but never once have I feared for my life, my brothers life, or my dads life. I feel for the mothers losing their babies too soon. I can’t even imagine the paralyzing fear associated with this kind of PTSD we continue to inflict upon the black community in America. Our hands are soaked and stained with blood every time we are complicit and stay silent. We (privileged, white or white presenting people) are the only ones who can hold these institutions accountable and if you ask me, it’s beyond time to abolish these archaic models of white supremacist power and truly start actively organizing our community efforts to keep ourselves safe. Any institution that commits crimes it is supposed to be holding accountable is a farce. Any conversation around “not all of them” is falling upon deaf ears, kinda like the “I can’t breathe’s” the “Im unarmed”s and the “please don’t kill me”s of the souls we have lost. We’re beyond sick. This indifference & this insane lack of accountability is not sustainable. Not taking a clear anti-racist stance at this point is a clear siding with the oppressor. It is admonition of your guilt, it is silent participation in genocide; and even though your fingers weren’t on the trigger and your knee was not on his neck, you are just as guilty for the continued assault of the black community in America. Rest in power George.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




