リンゼイ・ボンのインスタグラム(lindseyvonn) - 5月22日 04時29分

When I’ve been faced with challenges in my life, training is my fuel, my control, and my healer. It has always been my choice to show up, recommit, and start again. And I know it’s the same for many of you. We pick ourselves back up, take the first step forward, and then keep putting one foot in front other until we’re back on solid ground. We will come out on the other side stronger, fiercer and we know one thing for sure, the only way, is #ThroughTheWork. The new @ProjectRock collection is here and we are proud to share a portion of proceeds with @TeamRubicon - an organization serving communities impacted by disaster. #FirstStepFirstRep @Under Armour


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




