ジョシュア・レナードのインスタグラム(thejoshualeonard) - 5月17日 05時15分

I woke up this morning to the devastating news that two of my favorite people in the world passed away last night. I am in a deep state of shock. Lynn Shelton was one of the greatest forces of nature I’ve ever encountered — a brilliant enthusiast to her core. She defined herself by the things that she LOVED, by the things that INSPIRED her, by the people who MEANT THE MOST to her and by her deep and boundless pride in her son. Her joy and her passion radiated like the fucking sun. I am forever grateful to @markduplass for introducing me to her over a decade ago.

Lynn and I had fallen out of touch for a while, but had just started chatting again recently. Wilder and I FaceTimed with her last week. Lynn was sitting on her porch, showing Wilder all the birds... they came up with names for each one. We all laughed - Lynn biggest of all. Jesus, could could that woman laugh. She was one for the ages. Rest in peace, dear friend. @thelynnshelton


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