資生堂のインスタグラム(shiseido) - 5月15日 11時40分

FOLDING OTAKU, since #1872.

In Japan, the careful wrapping of a gift is a way of expressing respect and appreciation toward the recipient, and that care can be perceived in each fold. The delicate art of folding a piece of wrapping paper dates back about 800 years to the Kamakura period of Japanese history.

Our folding specialists are artisans with exceptional skills in papercrafts and packaging. They study and examine all the different types of folds possible, and reflect a deep sense of respect to all products. Each package is beautifully completed with high speed, precision and care. By hand. With gratitude.

Inspired by Japanese tradition. Enriched with meaning and depth. A story wrapped in reverence. A story that indulges all senses. At @資生堂, we pride ourselves in creating the best performing product with the highest ever quality in the most beautiful form to all.

We are all about beauty. Your beauty.

#JapaneseBeauty #ShiseidoTechnology


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