アリソン・ピルのインスタグラム(msalisonpill) - 4月28日 14時48分

This. Movie. Last year, my husband @ジョシュア・レナード decided it would be a good idea to make a movie with his 8-month-pregnant friend @jessweixler and a bunch of other amazing people. They had a week. And about $5. But it turned out beautifully and is an honest, loving take on impending parenthood, being grownups, and becoming a good human. It was supposed to premiere at Tribeca last week. That..didn’t happen. But I really hope people get to see it one day. It’s special. And honest art in a time of incoherence feels important.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



