ブリアナ・エヴィガンのインスタグラム(brianaevigan) - 4月16日 17時40分

We arrived one random day after a storm. 7 years ago? They were the happiest people I had ever seen. They believed In things with out having read books. They were the pure children we’re all searching to be as adults. Each of them consumed us in ways I know we’re still trying to figure out today. My sis in law and brother @elephant_heart started a nonprofit there called @canupicturethis. As I scroll through pictures and have so many more to share. The Philipines was one of the first of many places that stole my heart. This spot, la jala island specifically because of the kids. I can feel sitting in The dirt, I wish I was sitting there now. Jolena was a kid I met that made me believe in things I couldn’t imagine. I miss her dearly. It’s time to go back. Right when I can, I gotta find her. We were glued to the hip. They had the spirit flowing through them in ways I still rarely see to this day. They’re the children of the world. If we could all see a little more like them. Nothing seemed to be broken, in all of the “brokenness” they had each other. They had the water, the land, weird dance parties. They spread joy like no other. They spread peace, in ways I had almost forgotten. Luckily I have them to remind me. I can feel leaving them, it was the hardest thing each time. I’ll never forget searching for jolena and her sisters the last time I saw them. I can’t wait to be back. To the brightest star, my heart is with you, your heart is with me, always and forever. 💙 (series 1)


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