パイパー・アメリカ・スミスのインスタグラム(pyperamerica) - 4月15日 14時32分

I’m so happy I finally realized I’m an artist. You’re an artist too. I grew up with an older sister who was constantly creating, painting, sculpting, layering, glueing and I thought that because I wasn’t making art in that way, that I wasn’t an artists. God created this planet.... INSANE ARTIST. He created you too... INSANE WORK OF ART. Because you’re a child of God, you’re an artist. Like Him, we create everyday. We create the world around us with our thoughts.... just like God. I believe we get to practice being creators in this life to become more like Him. Humans come together to create more humans.... like just think about how truly magical that art is!!! Think about how you are an artist by divine design. What’s the latest creation you made?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




