モンス・セルメルローのインスタグラム(manszelmerlow) - 4月9日 01時57分

Because of Covid-19, the situation is now very difficult for the youths in the @zbfoundation programs. In Kenya, the authorities have closed down all schools, as well as boarding schools, in the country because of the current situation. This means that everyone at Kenswed had to leave the school and we are now trying our best to handle the situation. The most vulnerable in this situation are the 135 girls at the boarding school. We have received reports of incredibly difficult conditions which means that we have had to relocate these girls to other homes. It is a misery that is difficult to imagine. The adults cannot afford food and supplies for their children, which effects the girls the most as they have to "work" so that the family gets food at all. A student writes to the headmaster "I know that things don't always turn out the way you want to, but I can not help feeling stressed right now ..." The ZBF are trying to support the girls in this difficult time, for example, we offer digital teaching, especially for the students in grade 4, and we assure to support the students at home by delivering food packages, pads etc. In addition, we are currently planning on how we can support the students financially with possible costs for healthcare, travel and internet connection for tuition.

With 50,000 SEK we have the opportunity to support all 135 girls at the boarding school for two months, including consumables, internet, food, daily contact with teachers from school, access to the curator if needed and with digital education.

Would you like to help the girls in this difficult situation? Make a contribution to ZBF now and when the challenge, of 50 000 SEK, is reached, I will, in return, shave off my hair. 🤗

Please help us help them. Every little penny/öre helps. You’ll find a link to the fundraiser in bio. Thank you.


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