ヤシエル・プイグのインスタグラム(yasielpuig) - 4月6日 12時12分

I have been moved in the last few days to try to bring awareness to the front-line workers that are fighting this war for us. •
We see people fighting for their lives, many dying, without their loved-ones beside them. Those that they are able to be with, the ones holding their hands, talking to them in caring voices, fighting for them, are the nurses, doctors and hospital staff that are risking their own lives to do so.

On another front, most of America is being asked to stay at home. Meanwhile, delivery people, cashiers, food service reps, firemen, police officers, farmers, maintenance workers, grocery store staff, etc are all essential today to keep America running. Some of these have been fighting for a minimum wage for a long time, and here they are today, showing up for us, risking their lives as well to make sure the wheels keep turning. •
How do we begin to thank these incredible people?

I have asked for all of us to step outside at 7pm every night wherever you are in the country and clap for these heroes. My foundation has also started a fund for covid heroes, where we will be supplying doctors and nurses with meals and PPE’s, and helping the families of other front line workers as necessary per their requests. •
Please help me by thanking these heroes with whatever you are able to donate to their fund. These are the people taking care of us now, and the people saving our lives everyday. •
THANK YOU, covid heroes, for rising up, for being so selfless. We shouldn’t have to create accounts to give you the minimum that you deserve, but it’s a start to let you know we are all worried about you, and we want to take care of you too.

We are all in this fight together. Let’s do more than just stay at home. Text “Covid Heroes” to 24365 and donate something today.
God bless the world. #puigyourfriend #love #doctor #home #hospital #work #god #heroes #nurses


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